I quit my job today.
I had just had enough. Balancing school and work was beginning to become too overwhelming and the recent lost of one of my co-workers just added to the increase in my workload.
I don't know about all of you, but I'm not the type of person who can hold down multiple positions and be happy about it. Sure, all women can become "superwomen" when the time permits, but carrying on the superhero burden, for me, can only only be suffered in minimal doses. I had been doing just that when my boss called me in to meet with her. I called out the previous day in order to finish some much needed homework and assignments I has piling up. When I walked in to work, our assistant clued me in that my boss was a little huffy over an unfinished assignment that has supposed to be completed a week ago. Irritated at the thought of being scolded for something that was not a priority, and something that I honestly didn't have time to do, the thought of quitting crossed my mind.
It stuck. I thought about my savings and how long I could last on financial aid. I had some student loan money piled up for a rainy day and with my salary as a part-time graduate assistant, I figured I could let this main job go. After my boss explained to me that she wanted me to finish my assignments more quickly, I told her that it was all just too much for me; I was resigning.
Walking home from work after I quit. (yes, it's only a 15 minute walk away) I realized that I was nervous. While in the delight of thinking that my time would finally be spent on me, than in someone else business or company, I, for a moment, was frightened at the thought of no safety net... no security.
Even now as I write this post, I'm nervous about telling Stacy that I quit my job.
What grown woman ups and quits her job in this economy?
I know I'll be fine for awhile.
But I'm a bit weary of the summer.
I applied for a grant to study abroad next year. Maybe this is all part of some master plan in which this job was just holding me back from following my true purpose.
I honestly believe that this is a good decision.
I'm excited, albeit a bit scared.
We'll see what happens. Thank goodness I'm a person who takes a leap of faith.